1) By clicking the tab ‘Apps’ ( https://login.neovosignage.com > Apps ) you’ll enter the app store page. Here you can find the ‘Image Slider’ app. To activate the ‘Image Slider’ app click ‘Activate app’. The app is now activated and ready to use!
2) By clicking the button ‘Add existing app users’ you are able to assign new or existing users to the Image Slider app. Select an existing user or click the button ‘Add new app users’ to add a new user.
3) To create a new slide show click the button ‘Add slide show’.
4) Name your new slideshow and adjust the following settings:
– Default transitions between images;
– Adjust the length of time between images;
– Default aspect ratio;
– Select the app manage editor/user;
– If desired you can adjust the transitions between images and time frame (in seconds) by image.